Saturday, September 19, 2009

Leufsta Bruk church in Northern Uppland (Sweden) 1728 Johan Niclas Cahman

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

1. Prelude in C major BWV 567
2. Prelude in G major BWV 568
3. Prelude in A minor BWV 569

Hans Fagius at the Niclas Cahman organ of the Leufsta Bruk church in Northern Uppland (1, 3) and at the Johan Niclas Cahman organ of the Kristine Church in Falun (2)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Passacaglia and Thema Fugatum in C minor BWV 582
1. Passacaglia

Hans Fagius at the Cahman organ of the Leufsta Bruk church in Northern Uppland (Sweden)

Passacaglia and Thema Fugatum in C minor BWV 582
2. Thema Fugatum


Johan Niclas Cahman has been called “The Father of Swedish Organ Building”. The famous instruments which he built include the cathedral organs at Uppsala, Linköping and Härnösand. A 28-stop organ in Leufsta bruk, Uppland, is the only large instrument of his which survives.
The Cahman organ in the Church of Leufsta bruk is the most valuable historic organ in Sweden, and is also internationally one of the most unusual organ works from late baroque time. It was built 1727-28 by the organ builder Johan Niclas Cahman (1670-1737) and is mainly preserved in its initial condition. During the last decade, the need for a restoration has been actualized. Such a restoration should aim at putting the organ back to a technical full action, and eliminate actions jeopardizing the organs future as far as possible restore the initial character of the sound.


Manualen (II)
Qvintadena 16'
Principal 8'
Rohrflöte 8'
Qvintadena 8'
Octava 4'
Spitzflöte 4'
Qvinta 3'
Super Octava
Mixtur V Fach
Trompet 8'

Ryggpositiv (I)
Gedackt 8'
Qvintadena 8'
Principal 4'
Fleut 4
Qvinta 3'
Octava 2'
Mixtur IV chor
Voxhumana 8'

Pedalverk C-d¹
Offen Sub bass 16'
Principal 8'
Gedact 8'
Qvinta 6'
Octava 4'
Rausqvint 2 Fach
Mixtur 4 Fach
Bassun 16'
Trompet 8'
Trompet 4'

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