West Point Military Academy Cadet Chapel's 4/874 stops Möller Church Pipe Organ

The Cadet Chapel organ was originally built by M. P. Möller in 1911. Frederick C. Mayer, organist from 1911 to 1954, oversaw a series of enlargements which, by 1951, left the organ with 213 ranks and 14,195 pipes.
Mayer was influenced by George A. Audsley in his distinctive tonal design, which includes an unusual 72-rank Harmonic division, with its choruses of loud and soft mutations. Enlarged further by memorial gifts, it is now the largest church organ in the world.
The current West Point stoplist with a total of 874 speaking stops controlling 23,236 pipes, is awesome in both its scale and its unique character. The impressive four-manual keydesk is arguably the world's largest "horseshoe" console.
L. Boellmann: Toccata (from Suite Gothique)Organist: Daniel Chorzempa: