It was my intention to build a one manual tracker pipe organ with attached pedal, somewhat like the above, but in a more modern, but still classical case.

Organ design with doors closed. 82" high, 52" wide.
The organ consisted of 9 1/2 Ranks (516 pipes).
The disposition was as follows:
54 keys divided keyboard
Bass Descant
Calcant 8' Principal
8' Gedekt* 8' Gedekt
4' Flute 4' Rohrflute
2 2/3 Quint 2 2/3 Quint
2' Principal 2' Principal
2' Gemshorn 2' Gemshorn
1 3/5' Tierce 1 3/5' Tierce
Mixture III Mixture III
Scharf II Scharf II
Cymbel I Cymbel I
Tremulant Zimbelstern
PEDAL (24 notes)
8' Gedekt* (from manual)
Pedal-Manual coupler
Bass Descant
Calcant 8' Principal
8' Gedekt* 8' Gedekt
4' Flute 4' Rohrflute
2 2/3 Quint 2 2/3 Quint
2' Principal 2' Principal
2' Gemshorn 2' Gemshorn
1 3/5' Tierce 1 3/5' Tierce
Mixture III Mixture III
Scharf II Scharf II
Cymbel I Cymbel I
Tremulant Zimbelstern
PEDAL (24 notes)
8' Gedekt* (from manual)
Pedal-Manual coupler