Katwijk aan Zee, NL, Nieuwe Kerk,
IV/P 80 stops, 104 Ranks.
IV/P 80 stops, 104 Ranks.
This symphonic organ built in the years 1981-1983, and is one of the main instruments of the world famous organ builder Van den Heuvel. From a technical and artistic point of view the organ was a landmark in accordance with the principles of the renowned French organ builder Aristide Cavaille-Coll (1811 to 1899).
The disposition of the Positif is one of the largest in the world. It has 18 speaking voices including a continuous 8-Cornet decompose from 8 feet.
Some stops of the Positif have the 18th century French specifications. The Grand-Orgue Cornet has a 5-rank from 8 foot and also continuous 8-Cornet decompose from 16 foot. Todate this rank has not been built in the Netherlands, as well as the 8-Cornet decompose 32 foot on the pedal. These sounds are un-available in Dutch organs, however, the major organs of the Paris Cathedrals like Notre Dame and the Sacre-Coeur do have them.
The Recite expressif is above the organcase in the tower of the church, and can operate through a swell pedal in the console, it is totally isolated from the church area,and using it results in a special effect.
The Nieuwe Kerk was build at the end of the 19th century with a 4:5 groundplane. The organ is located at the longest side of the church. The accousic conditions are poor: just about 1 sec. reverb.
The previous organ was the work of fa. G. van Leeuwen built in the old case of Johann Daniel Nolting who made it in 1822 for the Boerenkerk in Nijmegen. In 1887 this organ was sold to the Nieuwe Kerk in Katwijk aan Zee. The organ of Van Leeuwen was a product of the 1940's with a pneumatic action. Some old pipe work was used. This instrument was not doing is't job very well anymore.
In 1979 a contract was signed with J.L. van den Heuvel to build a new organ in the old case with use of some old pipe work. In 1981, after a period of design and calculations, the organ builder started with the building of the organ. At the end of October 1982 the organ was almost completely built up in the assembly hall. At that time the case was also restored. The organ was moved to the church in December of the same year and on May 19th 1983 the organ was inaugurated. A day later Daniël Roth played the organ for the first time for the public.
The instrument, built according to the mechanical slider system, is situated behind the historic Nolting facade from 1822, which at the direction and supervision of the National Heritage commission, was fully restored. Eighty-speaking independent stops are distributed among four keyboards and pedal.
The Van den Heuvel organ is almost completely new: only the first four stops of the Echo are made by Nolting in 1822. These stops are the only original ones left.
The organ has four manual divisions of 56 notes and a Pedal of 30 notes. The Positif has 18 stops, the Grand-Orgue 19 stops, the Récit Expressif 18 stops, the Echo 7 stops, the Chamade 4 stops and the Pédale 14 stops, altogether 80 stops and 5.168 pipes. Remarkable are the three 8 ranks Cornet Composées: in 32' on the Pédale, in 16' on the Grand-Orgue and in 8' on the Positif.
Relatively this organ has a very rich complement of 22 reeds, including the reeds of the 4 rank Chamade work (horizontally positioned trumpets). In the Echo, some reeds from the original Nolting-organ from 1822 were retained. The manuals were built in the French style. Above the pedal toe studs are placed and serve as playing aids. A number of features to assist the organist, were developed especially for this organ by Van den Heuvel. On the Grand-Orgue, Recite expressif and pedals, the so-called "Barker system" has been applied to the entire instrument to play smoothly. The latest improved system by organ builder Cavaille-Coll used, was studied by Van den Heuvel and was the model for the "Barker" in Katwijks organ. The entire organ, which was built in the pure handcraft workshop in Dordrecht, was personally designed and voiced by Jan L. van den Heuvel. Advisor was Jaap van Rijn, first organist of the New Church.
This new organ in Katwijk aan Zee persuaded the "Societé Académique d'Arts et Lettres" in Paris to bestow their "Médaille d'Argent" upon Jan L. van den Heuvel in 1984 for his contribution to the Art of French organ building. Van den Heuvel was the first organ builder in the world to receive this honour.
Since then Van den Heuvel acquired many contracts for the construction of organs from all over the world, such as: St. Eustache (Paris), Duke's Hall (London), Katarina Church (Stockholm), St. Franziskus Kirche (Munich), Church of the Holy Apostles (New York), Victoria Hall (Geneva), and most recently, the contract was signed for the construction of the main concert organ in Denmark, and 32-foot instrument with 87 stops, which will be placed in a newly built concert hall in the capital Copenhagen (Denmark) to a design by the renowned French architect Jean Nouvel.
The key- and stopaction are mechanical. The keyaction is assisted by Barker levers for the Pédale, Grand-Orgue and Récit Expressif.
The Console is very rich and made in French romantic tradition with left the Jeux de Fond and right the Jeux de Combinaison.
The internal layout of the instrument was a problem because the case itself is small. Most of the instrument found a place in the tower of the church. The front picture shows the swell doors above the front in the tower. Behind these doors the Récit Expressif is located on two windchests. Just under the Récit Expressif the Chamades are located in horizontal position. The Grand-Orgue is located were it should be: in the center of the organ also on two windchests. Above the console the stops of the Echo can be found together with the barker levers. On the left and right side of the Grand-Orgue the reeds of the Pédale, behind the Grand-Orgue the Jeux de Fond and mutations. The Positif finds it's place in the small case on the gallery.

For detailed background information on this organ go to:
Pédale C-f
Jeux de Fond
Soubasse 32'
Contrebasse 16'
Soubasse 16'
Grosse Quinte 10 2/3'
Flûte 8'
Violoncelle 8'
Jeux de Combinaison
Grosse Tierce 6 2/5'
Quinte 5 1/3'
Septième 4 4/7'
Flûte 4'
Contrebombarde 32'
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Positif (1ier Clavier), C-g3
Montre 8'
Bourdon 8'
Quintaton 8'
Prestant 4'
Flûte Douce 4'
Nasard 2 2/3'
Doublette 2'
Quarte de Nasard 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Larigot 1 1/3'
Septième 1 1/7'
Piccolo 1'
Plein-Jeu 5r.
Sesquialtera 2r.
Basson* 16'
Trompette* 8'
Cromorne 8'
Clairon* 4'
Grand-Orgue (2ème Clavier), C-g3
Jeux de Fond
Montre 16'
Bourdon 16'
Montre 8'
Salicional 8'
Flûte Harmonique 8'
Flûte à Cheminée 8'
Prestant 4'
Flûte à Bec 4'
Doublette 2'
Jeux de Combinaison
Grosse Quinte 5 1/3'
Grosse Tierce 3 1/5'
Quinte 2 2/3'
Septième 2 2/7'
Cymbale 4r.
Fourniture 5r.
Cornet 5r.
Bombarde 16'
Trompette 8'
Clairon 4'
Récit Expressif (3ème Clavier), C-g3
Jeux de Fond
Quintaton 16'
Flûte Traversière 8'
Viole de Gambe 8'
Voix Céleste 8'
Cor de Nuit 8'
Prestant 4'
Flûte Octaviante 4'
Viole d'amour 4'
Basson-Hautbois 8'
Clarinette 8'
Voix Humaine 8'
Jeux de Combinaison
Nasard 2 2/3'
Octavin 2'
Plein-Jeu Harmonique 3-6r.
Carillon 1-3r.
Basson 16'
Trompette Harmonique 8'
Clairon Harmonique 4'
Echo (4ème Clavier), C-g3
Bourdon 8'
Flûte 4'
Nasard 2 2/3'
Flageolet 2'
Tierce 1 3/5'
Cymbale 2r.
Cor Anglais 8'
Chamade (4ème Clavier), C-g3
Tuba Magna 16'
Tuba Mirabillis 8'
Cor Harmonique 4'
Cornette Harmonique 2'
Pédales de Combinaisons
Appel les 32'
Tirasse Grand-Orgue
Tirasse Positif
Tirasse Récit
Combinaisons Pédale
Combinaisons Grand-Orgue
Combinaisons Récit
Appel Chamade
Appel Anches Positif*
Copula Positif/G-O
Copula Récit/Grand-Orgue 8'
Copula Récit/Grand-Orgue 16'
Copula Echo-Chamade/Grand-Orgue
Copula Echo-Chamade/Récit
Trémulo Grand-Orgue
Trémulo Positif
Trémulo Récit