Remarkable and Historical Instruments from around the World, featuring their Histories, Specifications and Sound. (please press F11 and scroll down)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Notable pipe organs in the city of Buenos Aires - Argentina
Visit "Notable Pipe organs in Buenos Aires-Argentina " at :
to see and listen the historic instruments in the city plus interesting additional info. By Rafael Ferreyra.
Audio on page below:
Friday, September 25, 2009
Stralsund Stellwagen Organ 1659
The Stellwagen organ of St Mary’s Church, Stralsund was completed in the middle of the 17th century and is the largest organ of its kind still existing in Europe. It is the only large-scale Baroque organ that has ever been preserved in one of the brick Gothic style basilicas in Northern Germany. Its construction and sound resemble the famous, though no longer existing, instruments of St. Mary’s Church in Lübeck and St. Catherine’s Church in Hamburg, which both had become centres of the North German art of organ-playing through the work of Franz Tunder, Dietrich Buxtehude, Heinrich Scheidemann and Jan Adam Reinken during the 17th and early 18th centuries.
Only two instruments testify today to the work of Friedrich Stellwagen: the small organ in the Church of St. Jacob in Lübeck, which is a remodelled and enlarged Gothic instrument, and the organ in St. Mary’s in Stralsund, the largest and final instrument of his workshop. With its 51 registers on three manuals and pedals, 12 bellows and the over 20 m high case construction, it has become a masterwork of the craft and art of 17th century organ building.
The famous Stellwagen organ in Stralsund.*
Stamm plays Buxtehude Prelude and Fugue major
Recording from the concert on 6th September 2009 in the Catholic parish church Sankt Andreas Leverkusen-Schlebusch, Germany. I mixed this recording with extra recordings showing the pedal passages and inserted pictures of Buxtehude, his city Lübeck, a part from his beautiful old organ in the Marienkirche (destroyed during the war) and the famous Stellwagen organ in Stralsund.
*this is the only You Tube labelled "Stellwagen organ Stralsund" but this appears to be incorrect. We are attempting to obtain a replacement You Tube with the correct sound from the organist of the Stellwagen organ..
Klangbeispiel: Heinrich Scheidemann - Fuga d-moll
(Principal 8´Rückpositiv, mitteltönig, vor der Restaurierung)
an der Orgel: Martin Rost anhören
Building history of the Stellwagen organ of St. Mary’s Church
Building of the organ by Friedrich Stellwagen.
Friedrich Stellwagen, who was born in Halle/Saale, in 1603, came to Hamburg around 1630 as a journeyman to Gottfried Fritzsche, organ builder by appointment to the Elector of Saxony. By 1635 he had established himself as an independent master craftsman in Lübeck. He worked mainly in Hamburg and Lübeck and died in Lübeck early in 1660, shortly after the completion of his largest and greatest work, in St. Mary’s, Stralsund.
Repair and reconstruction carried out by Ernst Marx from Berlin.
Repair and reconstruction carried out by Carl August Buchholz from Berlin. Between 1863 and 1873 repair works and tonal modifications were carried out by Friedrich Albert Mehmel from Stralsund.
Details of the organ were listed and recorded by the experts of the Keibel company. Thereafter, the Lübeck organ-building workshop of Emanuel Kemper dismantled and relocated the organ to Keffenbrink Castle near Grimmen.
The relocated organ parts were brought back with the aid of the Soviet Army.
Gradual rebuilding and reconstruction of the former disposition by the workshop of the Potsdam organ builder Alexander Schuke under the specialist supervision of church music director Dr Dietrich Prost.
Reconstruction of the reed pipe registers by the organ-building workshops of Carl Giesecke from Göttingen and Alexander Schuke from Potsdam.
The entire organ was structurally surveyed and its data recorded by the Gothenburg Organ Art Center, the organ-building workshops of Kristian Wegscheider from Dresden and Alexander Schuke from Potsdam, and a restoration team led by Hilke Frach-Renner. The work was financed by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. The original register signs of the casing from 1659 were restored by Hilke Frach-Renner (Dresden).
Restoration of the Stellwagen organ by the Dresden organ-building workshop of Kristian Wegscheider, Hans van Rossum from Andel, Netherlands and Gunter Böhme from Dresden. The restoration of the organ prospect with ornamentation is carried out by the Dresden artist’s workshop of Stephan Türmer and Hilke Frach-Renner. The whole project is financed by the Hermann Reemtsma Foundation, Hamburg
Hauptwerk (II)
Principall. 16' im ProspektBordun. 16'
Octava. 8'
Spitz Flött. 8
Hollquinta. 5 1/3'
Super octav. 4'
Holl Flött 4'
Flachflött 2'
Rauschpfeiffe 2-4fach
Mixtur 6-10fach
Scharffs 4-6fach
G.Trommet. 16'
Rückpositiv (I)
Gr.Quintadeen. 16'Principall. 8' im Prospekt
Gedact. 8'
Octava. 4'
Dultz Flött. 4'
Feltpfeiffe. 2'
Sifflitt. 1 1/3'
Sesquialtra. 2fach
Scharffs. 6-8fach
Zimbell. 3fach
Dulcian. 16'
Tröchter Regal. 8'
Jungfernregal 4'
Ventil.zum.ober posidiff
Oberpositiv (III)
Principall. 8' im ProspektHolflött. 8'
Octava. 4'
G.Plockflött. 4' (urspr. 8')
Kl.quintadeen. 4'
Nasatt. 2 2/3'
Gemshoren. 2'
Scharffs 4-7fach
Trommet. 8'
Krumhoren 8'
Schalmey 4'
Gros.principall.Bas 32'ab F, im Prospekt
Principall Bas. 16'
Gedact.undersatz. 16'
Octaven Bas. 8'
Spitzflött Bas. 8'
Superoctav Bas. 4'
Nachthoren Bas. 4'
Feltpfeiffen Bas. 2'
Mixtur Bas. 4fach
Posaunen Bas. 16'
Trommet Bas. 8'
Dulcian Bas. 8'
Schallmey Bas. 4'
Cornet Bas. 2'
III/II (Schiebekoppel)
a=462 Hz, mitteltönig
Pfeifen: etwa 3500 Pfeifen
Windladen: 8 Windladen (2 für Hauptwerk, 1 für Oberpositiv, 1 für Rückpositiv, 4 für Pedal)
Tonumfänge: Manual C,D-c''' - Pedal C,D-f '
Balganlage: 12 Keilbälge, zusätzlicher 13. Keilbalg für Betrieb mit Elektrowinderzeuger (Fabrikat Laukhuff)
Stimmtonhöhe: Chorton, a=462 Hz
Stimmungsart: mitteltönig
Gesamthöhe des Prospektes: über 20 Meter
Bildhauerarbeit: im Stil des niederländischen Knorpelbarock
größte Prospektpfeife: F des Gros.principall.Bas 32' , ca. 9 Meter lang, Gewicht 240 kg
Congregational Singing and organ from Holland
Eusebiuskerk, Arnhem
Titel :Nieuw Jeruzalem
Lichtstad met uw paarlen poorten,
wondre stad zo hoog gebouwd
nimmer heeft men op deez aarde
ooit uw heerlijkheid aanschouwd.
Daar zal ik mijn Heer ontmoeten,
luistren naar zijn liefdesstem,
daar geen rouw meer en geen tranen
in het Nieuw Jeruzalem.
Heilig oord, vol licht en glorie,
waar de boom des levens bloeit
en de stroom van levend water
door de gouden Godstad vloeit.
Daar zal ik mijn Heer ontmoeten,
luistren naar zijn liefdesstem,
daar geen rouw meer en geen tranen
in het Nieuw Jeruzalem.
Wat een vreugde zal dat wezen,
straks vereend te zijn met Hem.
In die stad met paarlen poorten,
in het Nieuw Jeruzalem.
Reformed Presbyterian Psalm Singing
Choir Soli Deo Gloria
Soli Deo Gloria sings "Amazing Grace":
Soli Deo Gloria zingt "O Eeuw'ge Vader sterk in macht":
Soli Deo Gloria zingt "Heer ontferm U":
Soli Deo Gloria zingt "Wonderbare Kracht":
Soli Deo Gloria sings "Four books in the Bible":
Soli Deo Gloria sings "O Mary don't you weep":
Soli Deo Gloria sings "God's choir in the sky":
Soli Deo Gloria sings "Coming Home":
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Bovenkerk Kampen 1743 Hinz Organ
André van Vliet plays Psalm 130 by J.P. Teeuw on the Hinsz organ of the Bovenkerk in Kampen.
Dick Sanderman On the Hinsz organ of the Bovenkerk Kampen (Holland)
Little is known about the oldest organ of the Bovenkerk. It is generally accepted that a large organ built by Johan van Kovelens (or J. van Covelen) was placed in the Bovenkerk between the years 1520-1523. The oldest pipe work of this organ (especially the flutes 4’ and 2’ of the upperwork) most likely originates from Jan Morlet (1629).
In 1676 Johan Slegel completed a new instrument for which he utilized material from the old organ. In the years 1694-1712 Johan Duyschot made some alterations to the organ and also took care of its maintenance.
Albertus Anthoni Hinsz performed some elaborate work on the organ in the years 1741-1743. He designed a new case, renewed all the reservoirs, wind chests as well as the action. At the same time a number of stops were added to the organ making it the largest organ built by Hinsz.
During the years 1788-1790 H.H. Freytag and F.C. Schnitger Jr. added an eight rank independent pedal as well as a Borstwerk of four voices which was playable from the Bovenwerk manual. The Dulciana from the Rugwerk was transferred to this new Borstwerk. In the new available space they placed a Fagot 16’ on the Rugwerk.
During the nineteenth century the organ builders Van Gruisen, Scheuer and Naber did some work on the instrument. In 1866 the organ builder Zwier van Dijk from Kampen added a separate manual for the Borstwerk. He also added some more stops to it.
The major restoration (1967-1975) was carried out by the organ builder Bakker & Timmenga from Leeuwarden. The most important question was, which specification to use as a starting point, the one from 1790 or the one from 1866. They finally opted for a solution which made it possible to maintain eight stops from the period 1820-1866.
In 2000 the whole instrument was “revitalised” by the organ builder Reil. The whole organ was cleaned and checked for proper speech. They also connected the seven “keilbalgen” wedge bellows to the wind machine. Apart from that the mechanical action was carefully adjusted and repaired where necessary. This whole project was carried out in cooperation with the consultant, Mr. Rudi van Straten.
"Daar juicht een toon" on the organ of the Bovenkerk,
Kampen by K.J. Mulder
Hoofdwerk (Manuaal 2)
Prestant 16' 1743 
Bourdon 16' 1676
Prestant 8' 1676/1743
Holpijp 8' 1676
Octaaf 4' 1676
Fluit 4' 1676
Quint 3' 1676
Superoctaaf 2' 1676
Mixtuur B/D 3-5 st 1676
Tertiaan 2 st 1975
Scherp 3 st 1975
Trompet B/D 16' 1743
Trompet 8' 1743
Rugwerk (Manuaal 1)
Prestant 8' 1743Holpijp 8' 1676
Octaaf 4' 1743
Fluit 4' 1676/1743
Gedakt Quint 3' 1743/1975
Octaaf 2' 1676
Fluit 2' 1743/1975
Sifflet 1' 1975
Sexquialter D 3 st 1975
Mixtuur 3-4 st 1676-1743
Fagot 16' 1790
Borstwerk (Manuaal 4)
Gedakt B/D 8' 1790Fluit B/D 4' 1790
Woudfluit 2' 1790
Dulciaan 8' 1743
Bovenwerk I (Manuaal 3)
Prestant 8' 1676/1743Roerfluit 8' 1743
Quintadeen 8' 1676
Fluit 4' 1629
Octaaf 4' 1975
Speelfluit 3' 1743
Germshoorn 2' 1629
Nassat 1 1/3' 1975
Scherp 3 st 1975
Vox Humana 8' 1676/1743
Bovenwerk II (Manuaal 3)
Holpijp 8' 1825Salicionaal 8' 1825
Fluittravers 8' 1825
Principaal 4' 1825
Spitsfluit 2' 1825
Flageolet 1' 1825
Carillon D 3 st 1825
Trompet 8' 1825
Prestant 16' 1743Subbas 16' 1790
Octaaf 8' 1790
Gedekt 8' 1790
Roerquint 6' 1790
Octaaf 4' 1790
Open Fluit 2' 1975
Bazuin 16' 1790
Trompet 8' 1790
Cornet 4' 1790
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Passau Dom Organ Germany -Five Organs- 18000 pipes

Passau is in southeastern Bavaria,
at the intersection of 3 rivers: the Inn, the Danube, and the Ilz

Passau stakes claim to being "The largest organ outside the U.S." In any event, it's huge: 18000 pipes.

It's actually 5 instruments situated at various places around the building: 357 ranks, all playable from a central 5-manual console in the gallery.

5 Manuals, 326 Ranks, 229 Registers, 17.974 Pipes.
Already in the Middle Ages the Passau Cathedral had a large organ, of which the details have been lost. This organ was destroyed in a 1662 fire in the cathedral.
1682 In this year a new organ was built with 23 registers by Leopold Freundt (Passau); and later enlarged to 28 registers.
1715 Construction of two Swallows-nest-organs with 10 registers to the Vierungs pillars by Johann Ignaz Egedacher.
1731 Construction of the main organ with about 40 registers on 3 manuals by Ignatz Egedacher (Case of Josef Matthias Götz preserved)
1733 Expansion to 49 registers by Egedacher.
1824 major repairs on the main organ by Georg Adam Ehrlich (Wiesentfelser).
1857-1858 Implementation of Swallows-nest-organs on the two side galleries (Epistle and Gospel side), presumably by Ehrlich.
1886 New construction of the main organ with 73 registers and 5,237 pipes in the existing case by Martin Hechenberger (successor of Ehrlich), and by the end of the 19th Century a further extension to 75 registers by Hechenberger.
1924 start of organ building in the existing cases by Steinmeyer.
1924-1928 built by G.F. Steinmeyer (Oettingen) using the old main organ case of 1731 (JM Götz).
1977-1981 extensive restoration of 55 (partially reworked) registers of the Steinmeyer organ by Louis Eisenbarth (Passau).
1993 renovation of the Fernorgel (new case) containing the re-worked pipes by Eisenbarth.
The complete pipework of the 5 individual organs, is re-organized and made playable jointly on the 5-manual main console. Each manuals disposition data is accessible from the main console, and also mechanically on its own console.
Until the 1990's, the Passau Domorgan was the largest church organ in the world. Presently it is "only" the largest Domorgan (and third largest church organ) of the World.
The main organ’s 76 registers (120 Ranks) marked * are optionally also playable from its own mechanical 4-manual console. A rebuilding plan has been prepared, but as of 2008 has not been scheduled.
I. Hauptwerk 44 (26)
Grand Bourdon 32 ab c
Großpraestant 16 *
Gedacktpommer 16
Principal major 8
Principal minor 8 *
Flûte traversière 8
Gedackt 8 *
Viola da Gamba 8 *
Octave 4 *
Spitzflöte 4 *
Fugara 4
Terz 3 1/5
Quinte 2 2/3 *
Kleinoctave 2 *
Nachthorn 2
Superoctave 1 *
Cornet V ab f, *
Mixtura major VII-VIII 2, *
Mixtura minor V 1 1/3
Cymbel V 1, *
Chamade 16 D
Trompete 16 *
Chamade 8
Trompete 8 *
Chamade 4
Trompete 4
Chamade 2 B
+ Cymbelstern 6 Glocken
II. Positiv 33 (23)
Rohrflöte 16
Praestant 8 *
Bordun 8 *
Flauto amabile 8
Gambe conique 8 *
Unda maris 8 ab c
Principal 4 *
Koppelflöte 4 *
Gemshorn 4
Nasard 2 2/3 *
Octave 2
Waldflöte 2 *
Terzflöte 1 3/5 *
Kleinquinte 1 1/3 *
Octävlein 1 *
Nonenflöte *
Cornettino IV 4
Mixtur V 1 1/3, *
Acuta IV 1, *
Fagott 16
Corno di caccia 8
Vox humana 8 *
Rohrschalmei 4 *
+ Tremulant regelbar
III. Bombardewerk 40 (29)
Stillgedackt 16 *
Gamba 16
Principal 8 *
Nachthorngedackt 8 *
Photo: Martin Doering /
Flûte harmonique 8
Tibia clausa 8
Jubalflöte 8
Salicional 8 *
Vox caelestis II 8, ab c
Octave 4 *
Traversflöte 4
Quintade 4 *
Viola d'amour 4
Spitzquinte 2 2/3 *
Doublette 2 *
Schweizerpfeife 2
Salicet 2
Gemsterz 1 3/5 *
Larigot 1 1/3 *
Septime 1 1/7
Sifflet 1 *
Großmixtur V-VII 2 2/3, *
Tintinabulum II 1, *
Quintcymbel IV
Bombarde 16
Trompette harmonique 8
Hautbois 8 *
Euphon-Clarinette 8
Clairon 4 *
+ Celesta
+ Schweller
+ Tremulant regelbar
IV. Brustwerk 22 (16)
Holzprincipal 8 *
Lieblich Gedackt 8 *
Quintade 8 *
Praestant 4 *
Rohrflöte 4 *
Principal 2 *
Holzblockflöte 2 *
Superquinte 1 1/3 *
Hohlpfeife 1 *
Sesquialtera II 2 2/3, *
Scharff IV 2/3, *
Terzcymbel III 1/6, *
Dulcian 16 *
Cromorne 8 *
Bärpfeife 8 *
Geigend Regal 4 *
+ Carillon *
+ Tremulant regelbar
Pedal 41 (29)
Contraprincipalbass 32 *
Untersatz 32
Principalbass 16 *
Majorbass 16
Subbass 16 *
Gemshorn 16 *
Violon 16
Quintbass 10 2/3
Octavbass 8 *
Flûte 8
Gedackt 8 *
Viola alta 8
Terzbass 6 2/5
Nasard 5 1/3
Septime 4 4/7
Trichterflöte 4
Pommer 4 *
Bauernpfeife 2 *
Blockflöte 1 *
Principal-Piffaro II 4 + 2, *
Rauschpfeife V 4, *
Obertöne IV 3 1/5
Mixtur V 2 2/3, *
Contrabombarde 32 (full length)
Posaune 16
Bombarde 16 *
Trompetenbass 8 *
Feldtrompete 4 *
Zink 2 *
+ Tremulant (Kleinped.) regelbar
Cor de Nuit 16
Grand Principal 8
Rohrgedackt 8
Bifara 8
Holzgeige 8
Grosse Quinte 5 1/3
Octave 4
Flûte allemande 4
Flûte de Vienne 4
Vox angélique II 4
Grosse Tierce 3 1/5
Nasard 2 2/3
Septième 2 2/7
Flageolet 2
Piccolo 1
Harmonica aetherea IV 2 2/3
Fourniture VII 2
Tercian II 1 3/5
Trompette 16
Trompette 8
Saxophone 8
Trompette 4
+ Schweller
+ Tremulant regelbar
PEDAL 3 (3)
Principal 16
Montre 8
Prestant 4
Hauptwerk 14 (9)
Principale 8
Piffaro 8 ab c
Amorosa 8
Ottava 4
Alba 4
XII 2 2/3
Flauto in XV 2
Ripieno VI 2
Tromba 8
+ Tremulant
Positive 10 (10)
Flauto a camino 8
Principalino 4
Divinare 4
Ottavino 2
XII 1 1/3
XV 1
XVII 05-Apr
XIX 03-Feb
XXII 02-Jan
Tromboncini 16
+ Tremulant
Contrabassi 16
Subbassi 16
Principale 8
Pileata 8
Ottava III 4 + 2 + 1
Buccina 16
Hauptwerk 16 (10)
Quintade 16
Principal 8
Rohrflöte 8
Octave 4
Spitzflöte 4
Quinte 2 2/3
Superoctave 2
Mixtur V-VII 1 1/3
Trompete 16
Trompete 8
Oberwerk 14 (10)
Nachthorngedackt 8
Violflöte 8
Principal 4
Blockflöte 4
Rohrpfeife 2
Nachthorn 1
Sesquialtera II 2 2/3
Scharff IV 1
Rankett 16
Krummhorn 8
+ Schweller
+ Tremulant
Positief 8 (6)
Barem 8
Rohrflöte 4
Principal 2
Nasat 1 1/3
Cymbel III
Vox humana 8
+ Tremulant
Pedal 15 (12)
Principal 16
Subbass 16
Praestant 8
Holzoctave 8
Gedackt 8
Octave 4
Sifflöte 2
Rauschpfeife IV 2 2/3
Posaune 16
Dulcian 16
Trompete 8
Singend Kornett 2
FERN ORGAN (in ceiling)
Salicional 16
Principal 8
Rohrgedackt 8
Flûte harmonique 8
Philomela 8
Viola 8
Viola celeste 8 ab c
Geigend Principal 4
Hohlflöte 4
Octavin 2
Progressio III-V 2 2/3
Harmonica aethera IV 2
Trompete 8
Vox humana 8
+ Glocken E - g1
+ Tremulant
PEDAL 4 (4)
Kontrabass 16
Subbass 16
Principal 8
Posaune 16
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