Below is a video showing the church interior, and also footage of its organ with some unusual moving figures:
The church’s most famous feature is the Baroque organ, built in 1721 by Johann Mosengel from Konigsberg. A work of art in itself, it has a set of statues such as an angel playing the mandolin and cherubin with bugles. And what is more, you can watch the figures moving while the instrument is being played. Organ concerts are held in the summer months every Friday at eight p.m.
The organ has 40 voices, two manuals and pedal.
The organ was built in the years 1719-1721 by organbuilder from Królewca, John Mosengela Josue.
The instrument was originally designed as a 18-voice a two-manual (no pedal) organ, and was subsequently, in the year 1721, increased to three manuałs and pedal, and 40 baroque voices. Like all instruments of that time, the organ had mechanical action, and the necessary air to play the organ was pumped by a 4 foot wedge bellows operated by the so-called e. kalikantów (organ treader).
Admired to this day are the very minutely sculpted figures, product of the workshop is the work of a master Mosengela, "organmistrza royal."
The organ is made up of a main organ and a positive. The Positive has small towers, on which are angels with trumpets, attached to the choir railing. The instrument is built on the entire west wall and built-in between the two oblong windows. The richly decorated case of the świętolipskich organ is one of the best examples baroque art. The cabinets are profusely decorated with plant ornamentation, mainly composed of interlaced spliced acanthus. On the towers are placed zwieńczeniach sculptures depicting angels playing different instruments. These figures, together with the stars and bells on the towers, are set in motion in time with the playing of the instrument. This is the only instrument preserved to our times unchanged. The interior of the instrument has been thoroughly renovated in 1905.
The majority of romantic voices were replaced by new baroque voices, and mechanical action replaced the pneumatic. Since then the instrument has only two and manuałs pedal. During World War I, the tin pipes were replaced with zinc, and in 1944 the instrument devastated. After the war, the missing pipes were replaced. At this time, the organ has two manuałs with a C - f 'and the pedal C - d1.
Manuał I
głównyGross-Gedeckt 16'
Rohrflöte 8'
Flaute harmon. 8'
Salicional 8'
Gemshorn 8'
Schalmey 8'
Principal 8'
Flote 4'
Octave 4'
Piccolo 2'
Rausch-Quinte 2 2/3'
Mixtur 3-4 fach
Cornett 4 fach Fagotto 16'
Trompete 8'
Hautbois 8'
Trompete 8'
Manuał II
szafa ekspr.Bordun 16'
Gedackt 8'
Flauto dulce 8'
Aeoline 8'
Unda-maris 8'
Quintadena 8'
Viola di Gamba 8'
Principal amabile 8'
Flauto amabile 8'
Prestant 4'
Progressiv 4 fach Oboe 8'
Salicet 16'
Subbas 16'
Violon 16'
Principal 16'
Nasard 10 2/3'
Octave 8'
Cello 8'
Super-Octave 4' Posaune 16'
Połączenia (connections): Diskant-Koppel ; Manual-Coppel; z. I. M. Pedal-Coppel; z. II. M. Pedal-Coppel; II. z. I. M. Suboctav-Coppel; II. z. I. M. Super-Oct.-Coppel
Glocken-Spiel (c-f3)
Ausloser, Piano, Mezzoforte, Forte, Fortissimo, Tutti
Listen (below) to the fragments on the świętolipskich organ – presented by Waldemar Strzyżewski*
JS Bach Toccata and Fugue d-mol
M. Ogiński Polonaise "Farewell Homeland"
Nowowiejski Hymn "Christ our reign"
ŚWIĘTA LIPKA - promotional video
oginski polonaise on pipe organ swieta lipka
Polonez - 4 wersje. Święta Lipka
Concert in Św Lipka
organów świętolipskich1

1948 Repair of organ.
1970 Re-launch of the organ figures. 130 years after construction, new movements are installed in the figurines on the organ.
2006 29 January after 40 years of service in the Lipce the organist, Waldemar Strzyżewski passed away.*