Huss- Schnitger Organ St. Cosmae, Stade
Arp Schnitger's career as an organ-builder began in 1666 when he was apprenticed to his cousin Berend Huss, who was then engaged in building the organ for the church of St. Cosmae. The three manual divisions were completed in 1671, and under a separate contract Huss and his staff began work on the pedal division.
Vincent Lubeck - by J. Kelemen - Schnitger Organ, St Cosmae in Stade
Vincent Lübeck, who was organist there from 1675 until 1702, later asked Schnitger to make some modifications to the organ, and this work was completed in 1688. Since then the organ has suffered several different modifications, including having the Rückpositiv moved from its original position to a hidden position behind the main case from 1870 until 1948.157 Restoration of the instrument to the state in which Schnitger left it in 1688 was completed by Jürgen Ahrend in 1975.
In its complete form, the organ is a marvelous example of the Werkprinzip organ of late seventeenth-century Germany, and the defining characteristics can be found in its appearance as well as in its stoplist.
Stylus Phantasticus: Vincent Lubeck Praeludium: Joseph Kelemen, Hus-Schnitger organ in St Cosmae in Stade (perfectly restored by the legendary master Jurgen Ahrend); 1/5 Comma Mean tone, Chorton high pitch.
After reconstruction of the church following a fire in Stade, Berendt Huß from Glückstadt began construction of a new organ for the church of Sts. Cosmæ and Damiani in 1666. Two years prior to signing the contract for the Oberwerk, Huß's nephew Arp Schnitger joined the workshop. The contract for the Rückpositiv was signed in 1670, the Pedal in 1671, and the Brustwerk in 1672.
The organ was completed in 1675 with notable influences of the young Schnitger: inner pipework was of a 23% tin alloy, and the arrangement of the façade pipes corresponds with Schnitger’s later work. The Oberwerk chest, the oldest, is a spring chest as opposed to the later convention of slider windchests.
Vincent Lübeck was organist from 1675–1702. At his request, Schnitger installed the Trommet 16' in the Oberwerk. The Glockenspiel (45 bells) was installed at the end of the 18th century. A complete restoration of the organ was completed in 1975 by Jürgen Ahrend of Loga-Leer.
Ton Koopman playing Sweelinck at the Arp Schnitger organ in St Cosmae, Stade with 1/5 comma Mean tone
1668-1673: New organ by Berendt Huss. Arp Schnitger worked on the organ as a pupil of Huss. Vincent Lübeck was appointed organist after the completion of the organ.
1688: Changing of the specification by Arp Schnitger on demand of Vincent Lübeck. A Trommet 16' was added to the Hauptwerk.
1727: Repairs by Otto Dietrich Richborn.
1782: Repairs and changes to the pedal by Georg Wilhelm Wilhelmi.
179x: Adding of a Glockenspiel (chimes).
1841: Repairs by Johann Georg Wilhelmi
1870: Removal of the Rückpositif by Johann Hinrich Röver. The windchest and part of the pipework were placed behind the organ. Tuning in equal temperature. Substitution of several ranks.
1910: Enlargement of the organ loft.
1917: Frontpipes confiscated for the production of war materials.
The organ with the new Rückpositif after the restoration by Ott in 1948: Restoration by Ott. A new Rückpositif was made behind the enlarged loft. Intonation on too low a windpressure.
1956: Addition of a little windchest for Cis, Dis, Fis and Gis.
1975: Restoration by Jürgen Ahrend. Complete reconstruction of the loft and the Rückpositif. Unequal temperature. Removal of the windchests for Cis, Dis, Fis and Gis.

listen here to the individual sound of each stop
Principal 16'
Quintadena 16'
Octav 8'
Gedackt 8'
Octav 4'
Rohrflöt 4'
Nassat 2 2/3'
Octav 2'
Mixtur VI
Cimbel III
Trommet 16' (1688)
Trommet 8'

Querflöt 8'
Gedackt 8'
Flöt 4'
Oktav 2'
Tertia 1 3/5'
Nassat Quint 1 1/3'
Sedetz 1'
Scharff III
Krumphorn 8'
Schalmey 4'
Principal 8'
Rohrflöt 8'
Quintadena 8'
Octav 4'
Waltflöt 2
Sifflöt 1 1/3'
Sesquialter II
Scharff V
Dulcian 16''
Trechter Regal 8'
Principal 16'
Subbass 16'
Octav 8'
Octav 4'
Nachthorn 1'
Mixtur V-VI
Posaun 16'
Dulcian 16'
Trommet 8'
Cornet 2'

Stylus Phantasticus: Vincent Lubeck
Sounds as Colours, Colours as Sounds: the LSD Baroque
Sweelinck - Koopman Hus-Schnitger organ St Cosmae Stade
Retorica Titanica parte I
Retorica titanica parte II
Retorica titanica parte III
Retorica Titanica parte IV