Waalse Kerk Amsterdam
Jacques van Oortmerssen, BWV 530 Trio Sonate G Vivace
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Prelude and Fugue in G minor BWV 535
Ton Koopman at the Christian Müller organ of the Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam
In the year 1680 the Ghent orgelmaker Nicholas Langlez built the first pipe organ in the Waalse Kerk.
The organ case (with a date of 1680) and some original stops have been preserved.
Bach BWV 542 - Koopman - Waalse Kerk Amsterdam - Christian Mueller organ, Neidhardt temperament, Chorton
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Prelude and Fugue in C major BWV 547 Ton Koopman at the Mueller organ of the Waalse Kerk (Amsterdam)
Bach BWV 550 Koopman - Waalse Kerk Amsterdam - Christian Mueller organ, Neidhardt temperament, Chorton
Gustav Leonhardt, organist from 1959-1982 of the Waalse Kerk, suspects on stylistic grounds that Langlez used an existing hoofdwerk case that he brought to Amsterdam, and built a matching balcony and rugwerk case.
The organ does not appear satisfactory, because in subsequent years many repairs were made, including those by organmaker Gerard van Giessen, in 1702 and 1706. In 1710, the bellows were updated - apparently not satisfactory.
Finally, Christian Müller who maintained the organ from 1722, in 1733 received a contract to build an entirely new organ, and completed it the following year.
Müller renewed windchests, the mechanics, the keyboards and the wind supply. He added an independent pedal organ in a new case behind the hoofdwerk, on top of the bellows room. To give the pedal work enough 'presence' he made a hatch in the ceiling of the case, which was opened by pulling a rope. The restoration of 1965 restored the above action to its original state.

In 1777 the organ was repaired by Jan Muller.
In 1822 and 1843 Van de Brink repairs the organ, and made some changes in the disposition.
In 1891 and 1897 orgelmaker Van Dam made many changes to the organ, adapting it to the fashions of the times. Leonhardt called this a "black year" in the history of the organ, but fortunately the damage was limited. In 1960 it was decided that a restoration of the instrument would take place, to return it to, as much as possible,] the state that Müller had it in 1734. This restoration was conducted by the firm Ahrend & Brunzema and was completed in 1965. In 1993 a new restoration followed by Henk van Eeken.
1680 Nicolaas Langlez
1734 Christian Müller
1965 Ahrend & Brunzema
1993 Henk van Eeken
1993 Organbuilder Henk van Eeken
Prestant 16' (1734) discant dubbel
Prestant 8' (1734) discant dubbel
Roerfluit 8' (1734)
Quintadeen 8' (1734)
Octaaf 8' (1734)
Quint 3' (1734) discant dubbel
Gemshoorn 2' (1734)

Mixtuur 2' IV-VI (1734)
Trompet 16' (1734, 1965)
Trompet 8' (1734)
Vox Humana 8' (1734)
Bourdon 16' (1680)
Prestant 8' (1680, 1965)
Roerquint 6' (1680)
Octaaf 4' (1734)
Nachthoorn 2' (1734)
Fagot 16' (1734)
Trompet 8' (1734)
Prestant 8' (1734) discant dubbel
Holpijp 8' (1680)
Octaaf 4' (1680)
Quint 3 (1965) discant dubbel
Octaaf 2' (1734)
Terts 1 3/5' (1965) vanaf c
Mixtuur 1 3/5' (1965)
Scherp VI (1965, 1993)
Drie ventielen
Winddruk: 84 mm
Toonhoogte: a'=466 Hz
Temperatuur: Neidhardt
Samenstelling vulstemmen
Mixtuur HW C c c'
2 2 2/3 4
1 1/3 2 4
1 1 1/3 2 2/3
2/3 1 2 2/3
Mixtuur RP C c c' c''
1 1/3 2 4 4
1 1 1/3 2 2/3 2 2/3
1 2 2
1 1/3 2
Scherp RP C c f c' f' c'' f''
1 1 1/3 2 2 2/3 4 4 4
2/3 1 1 1/3 2 2 2/3 2 2/3 2 2/3
1/2 2/3 1 1 1/3 2 2 2
1/3 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1/3 1 1/3
2/3 1 1 1 1/3