Organ built in 1781 by A.A. Hinsz
The “Martini” church
On a mound (terp), which has its origin at the early years of our era, stands the massive “St. Maartens” church. The church was built in twenty years, between 1446 and 1466. Twenty years was for those days a very short time to build such a big church. After 1466 the church was extended on the west side of the building and the church was connected to the separate tower. Before this church was built, there was another church at the same spot. This predecessor was built in the 11th century in roman style and was 25 meters long and 7 meters wide. The present church is built in the gothic style. After it was finished it became the mother church of Westergo and made Bolsward a religious centre. Westergo is the western part of middle Friesland.The famous organ is built by A.A. Hinsz and was first used on the 28th of July 1781. In summer the organ is used for many concerts.
The present pulpit is built in the period 1660 – 1662 and is richly decorated in small detail with the four seasons of the year, designed by the local glazier Gerben Wopkes. The choir-stall was made in the second half of the 15th century. In the church there are a lot of tombstones some of them are richly decorated. In the church is also a bust (stature) of the famous Frisian poet and writer Gysbert Japicx, he was a singer in the church. In the south wall of the church, directly on the left of the entrance is the “St. Maartens” stone which dates from 1350. The stone has been in the west wall of the tower for centuries before it was moved to the church and shows several Biblical stories. The stone of red “Bremer” sandstone is originally from the roman predecessor of the “St. Maartens” church.
One of the most beautiful and famous Frisian church organs is located in the Martini Church in Bolsward.
The organ was newly built in 1781 by the organ maker Albertus Anthoni Hinsz. By 1730 Hinsz establishes himself as an independent organ builder in Groningen. After marrying in 1732 with the widow of Frans Caspar Schnitger, Hinsz probably combined the old Schnitger workshop in Zwolle and the new workshop in Groningen together.
Beside the organ of the Martini Church in Bolsward there are in Friesland four Hinsz organs: in Damwoude (Dantuma Woude), Driesum, Harlingen and Tzum.
In 1781 Hinsz replaced the Bolsward organ from 1539, which was renovated in 1634 by Antony Verbeek, but "...... had become unfit for the Church service ....." The new organ had 34 registers, divided over hoofdwerk, rugwerk, and pedal.
After two minor repairs by Heinrich Hermann Freytag, the Vox Humana on the hoofdwerk was replaced with an 8 ft bassoon, by the Frisian organ makers L. van Dam & sons in 1861, a significant change. A third manual (Bovenwerk)with eight stops was added. In addition, a few disposition changes were made.
In the period 1884 to 1918 repair took place that brought some changes, and in 1953 a major restoration followed and the disposition was then almost completely returned to the situation of 1861. The third manual of Van Dam was maintained.
In 1976 the wind chest of the bovenwerk was restored, but otherwise there has been no change made since 1953 to the organ.
In 2002 a comprehensive restoration was begun. The first two phases will be performed by the Dutch organ builder Verschueren. This reputable organ company exists since 1891 and is located in Heythuysen (Limburg). Advisor to the restoration is Aart Bergwerff, organist at the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in The Hague.
Hoofdwerk C-f3
Holpijp 16
Prestant 8

Baarpijp 8
Octaaf 4
Spitsfluit 4
Quint 22/3
Octaaf 2
Woudfluit 2
Mixtuur 4-6 st. b/d
Cornet 3 st. disc.
Trompet 16 b/d
Trompet 8
Vox Humana 8
Rugpositief C-f3
Prestant 8
Fluit douce 8
Octaaf 4
Gedacktfluit 4
Nasard 22/3
Octaaf 2
Speelfluit 2
Scherp 3-4 st.
Sexquialter 2-3 st.
Dulciaan 8
Bovenwerk C-f3
(L. van Dam en Zn. 1861)

Salicionaal 8
Viola di Gamba 8
Roerfluit 8
Prestant 4
Fluit travers 4
Quintfluit 22/3
Nachthoorn 2
Clarinet 8
Pedaal C-d1
Prestant 16
Bourdon 16
Octaaf 8
Gedekt 8
Roerquint 51/3
Octaaf 4
Nachthoorn 2
Bazuin 16
Trompet 8
Schalmei 4
Koppel HW-RP
Koppel HW-BW
Koppel Ped-RP
Tremulant BW
below: HISTORY in Dutch
Geschiedenis van het orgel in de Martinikerk
Eén van de bekendste en fraaiste Friese kerkorgels bevindt zich in de Martinikerk in Bolsward.
Het orgel werd in 1781 door de orgelmaker Albertus Anthoni Hinsz. nieuw gebouwd.
Tegen 1730 vestigt Hinsz zich als zelfstandig orgelmaker in Groningen. Nadat hij in 1732 met de weduwe van Frans Caspar Schnitger is getrouwd, zijn waarschijnlijk de oude Schnitgerwerkplaats in Zwolle en de nieuwe werkplaats van Hinsz in Groningen samengevoegd.
Naast het orgel van de Martinikerk in Bolsward bevinden zich in Friesland nog vier Hinsz orgels: in Damwoude (Dantumawoude), Driesum, Harlingen en Tzum.
In 1781 verving Hinsz in de kerk van Bolsward een orgel uit 1539, dat in 1634 door Antony Verbeek was vernieuwd, maar "......voor den Kerkdienst ongeschikt was geworden....." .
Het nieuwe orgel kreeg 34 registers, verdeeld over hoofdwerk, rugwerk en vrij pedaal. Na twee kleine reparaties door Heinrich Hermann Freytag, waarbij de Vox Humana op het hoofdwerk werd vervangen door een Fagot 8 vt, voerden de Friese orgelmakers L. van Dam & zonen in 1861 een belangrijke wijziging door. Er werd een derde manuaal met acht registers toegevoegd, geplaatst als bovenwerk. Bovendien werden een paar dispositiewijzigingen aangebracht.
In de periode 1884 tot 1918 vonden herstelwerkzaamheden plaats, die enkele veranderingen met zich meebrachten, waarna pas in 1953 een grote restauratie volgde. De dispositie werd toen bijna helemaal teruggebracht naar de situatie van 1861. Het derde manuaal van Van Dam bleef gehandhaafd.
In 1976 werd de windlade van het bovenwerk gerestaureerd, maar verder is er sinds 1953 aan het het orgel gedaan of veranderd.
In 2002 is een begin gemaakt met een veelomvattende restauratie. De eerste twee fasen ervan worden uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse orgelmaker Verschueren.
De gererommeerde orgelmakerij bestaat sinds 1891 en is in het Limburgse Heythuysen
gevestigd. Adviseur bij de restauratie is Aart Bergwerff, organist in de Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in Den Haag.
Sinds lang worden in de zomer op dinsdagavond goedbezochte orgelconcerten in de Martinikerk in Bolsward georganiseerd.