The Royal Chapel
A two-storey palatine chapel. The tribune was reserved for the King and the royal family, the side gallery for the ladies of the Court, and the ground floor for the rest of the attendees. Built and decorated from 1699 to 1710 under the direction of Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Robert de Cotte. On the vault The Eternal father in his glory - Antoine Coypel, The Resurrection of the Christ - Charles de Lafosse
The organ was built by François-Henri Cliquot, inaugurated by François Couperin on Easter Day 1711; it is located over the altar, contrary to practice, to face the King.
Versailles Chapel has a splendid historic replica by Boisseau & Cattiau in the original 1710 Robert de Cotte case. The layout is very heavily based on the 1734 Louis-Alexandre Clicquot organ at St-Jacques-St-Christophe- at Houdan. Grand Orgue and Positif sharing the same windchest & no postif de dos case.) This is the 4th organ. The revolution vandalised the original; Cavaillé-Coll devised a 2 manaual in 1871-3 and Gonzales made a replica in 1937, now in Laroque. The Versailles organ was rebuilt in 1936 by Gonzalez and rebuilt again in 1995 by Boisseau et Cattiaux inspired by the Alexandre Clicquot organ in Houdan church.
JEAN –FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Dialogue sur le Magnificat; Tierce en taille du 8eme ton. LOUIS MARCHAND: Récit et Dialogue sur le Te Deum –Michel Chapuis (1710 Clicquot-1995 Boisseau et Cattiaux/Royal Chapel, Versailles, France) Plenum Vox CD-004
BELOW: Pastor de Lasala plays the historic 1710 Clicquot organ in the Royal Chapel of Versailles during a visit in July 1996. Works by Guilain, Dandrieu and Clerambault.
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4 Manuals, 58 Ranks, 37 Stops
1711 erbaut von Robert Clicquot - nur noch das Gehäuse ist erhalten
1736 Erweiterung durch Louis-Alexandre Clicquot
1762 Umbau durch François-Henri Clicquot
1817 Reparatur durch Dallery
1873 durchgreifender Umbau durch Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (F, Paris)
seit 1933 war das Instrument unspielbar
1995 Rekonstruktion der Cliquot-Orgel (Zustand 1762, Gehäuse 1711) durch Jean-Loup Boisseau und Bertrand Cattiaux
+ Tremblant fort und Tremblant doux für das gesamte Werk
I. Grand Orgue 26 (16)
Bourdon 16
Montre 8
Flûte 8 D
Bourdon 8
Prestant 4
Grande Tierce 3 1/5
Nazard 2 2/3
Doublette 2
Quarte 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Cornet V 8
Fourniture IV
Cymbale IV
Trompette 8
Voix humaine 8
Clairon 4
II. Positif 16 (11)
Montre 8 Bourdon 8
Prestant 4
Flûte 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Doublette 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Larigot 1 1/3
Plein Jeu VI
Trompette 8
Cromorne 8
III. Récit 7 (3)
Cornet V Trompette 8
Hautbois 8
IV. Echo 5 (3)
Bourdon / Flûte 04-Aug Cornet III
Voix humaine 8
Pédale 4 (4)
Flûte 8 Flûte 4
Trompette 8
Clairon 4
The historic 1710 Clicquot organ in the Royal Chapel of Versailles